Procedural Note 30
Management Tab – Transactions – Journals
These steps guide you through accessing and managing journals in the TrustPoint module via the Management tab under Transactions -> Journals. These steps below streamline the process of managing accounting records, particularly useful for past periods where entries can't be reversed.
1. Apply a filter if you wish to view journals from previous periods. Once the filter is applied, press refresh to ensure all information is up to date.
2. Adding a record (Journal
Date: Transaction date.
Details: Enter any details you have (will take this information to auto populate in the description field.
Entity: Choose an Account from the dropdown menu.
Door: If you select an owner, the door will auto populate.
Description: Automatically taken for the information in Details.
Debit: Must be equal to the credit
Credit: Must be equal to the debit
c) If you wish to delete a line, click
the bin on the right-hand side of the journal entry.
d) If you require additional items for your journal entry, click + Add Item.