Account Reports contain revenue, expense, payments and other financial transactions recorded in GuestPoint®.
Running Reports
1. Select the filters you wish to apply for the report.
2. Click 'Preview'.
3. View or download the report as required.
Reports Overview
Aged Debtors
The Aged Debtors Report lists the companies or debtors with
corresponding total amount owing as at specified date, which is then further
subdivided into how old the debts are (current, 30, 60, 90+ days). Once the
date is selected, you can click 'Preview'.
Agent Commission
The Agent Commission Report' shows the total paid and the commission paid, in the date range specified for each Agent.
Daily Room Statistics
The Daily Room Statistics gives you a daily breakdown
of the property's total room inventory and status, including arrivals and
departures as well as the revenue generated.
Daily Transactions
The Daily
Transactions Report lists all transactions (room charges, payments, write offs
etc.) that have occurred up to a Roll Over.
In GuestPoint®, a “day” is the
period of time between Roll Overs. If the date is June 3 at 1pm, GuestPoint® will refer to the ‘Last
Roll Over’ as all transactions (as shown in the above example), between 10:05am on June 2 and 11:00am
on June 3. GuestPoint® will refer to this Roll Over as the “Roll Over for the night of June
2”. Accommodation is an unusual business in that we want all the revenue from today to be grouped together but this might include breakfast charges that we will enter tomorrow morning. That's why GuestPoint®’s new day starts when you do a Roll Over, so it can keep track for you all transactions that belong together, regardless of the calendar date.
Don’t be confused by this. Once you
have used GuestPoint® for a week or more, it will be second nature.
Debtor's Invoice
The Debtors Invoice Report shows invoices for a
Debtor raised between the Start and End Dates selected. You can optionally
have GuestPoint® group all invoices for the same company together and also only show invoices
that are still outstanding (i.e. not fully paid). Just select the dates
and options, and then click ‘Preview’.
Historic Debtor's Balance
The Historic Debtors
Balance Report lets you produce a report showing each debtor’s balance as at a specific date. Just select
the date and click ‘Preview’.
Property Statistics
The Property Statistics Report produces
valuable information about your property for a given date range. The report includes revenue and occupancy statistics. Before you produce the report, you
can select whether you want tax included in the report and the date range you want to use. You can also indicate whether you want the revenue in the report based on the date the transaction was entered or the date of the Roll Over it was included
in. We recommend that you tick the ‘Use Roll Over Dates’ option. You can also opt to include payments and/or
include out of service rooms in total room count when needed.
If you are using GuestPoint® Premium
you can also filter by Room Type Categories, if you have set up Categories and Sub-categories.
When you have selected your options,
just click ‘Preview’ and GuestPoint®
will generate the report for you.
For Australian properties, this report can be used to complete the ABS Quarterly Report.
View Previous Roll Over
At any time you can view the Daily Balance for
any previous date. Just select the ‘For night of’ date and click ‘Preview’.
View Trial Roll Over
At any time, you can produce a Trial Roll Over.
This will include all transactions to be included in your next Roll Over. This will show all room charges, payments and how much has been invoiced.
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