You can add charges to a Room Account at any time. You can add them before a guest checks-in, while they are in-house and even after they have checked-out.
It is possible for a guest to have multiple Accounts and it is important to make sure you are adding charges to the correct one. The ‘Select Account’ drop down list lets you select the correct account. It is possible for a guest to have the following accounts:
1. Personal Room Account in their name e.g. ‘Burton, Camilla’. Every room has one of these accounts
2. Additional Persons – if there are multiple people in the room, you can create Split Accounts in each person’s name. These will be listed under each name. These accounts are created by clicking ‘New Split Account’ or ‘New Person’ on the Contact tab
3. Company Account – if the guest is from a company that has been entered, GuestPoint® will automatically create a Company Room Account
4. Group Account – if the guest is part of a Group, GuestPoint® will automatically create a Group Account. This Group Account is shared by all members of the Group.

If you add a company or another split account to a reservation after charges have already been posted, you will need to manually transfer the charges to the correct account even if you change the charges policy at the same time. Any new charges will be according to the new policy.
To add a New Standard Entry charge to a Room Account:
1. Ensure you have selected the correct account from the drop down box for the charge to post to
2. Select the Charge type (e.g. Breakfast). This is the revenue account you want the income to go into
3. Edit the description, if required (e.g. Buffet Breakfast)
4. Alter the print date, if required. This is the date the guest will see on their room account. GuestPoint® lets you change this so you can back-date charges on the Room Account print out, if required
5. Enter the Amount
6. Click ‘Add Entry’
7. Click Save
To add a New Extra Entry charge to a Room Account:
1. Ensure you have selected the correct account from the drop down box for the charge to post to
2. Select the Extra you want to add (e.g. Newspaper)
3. Enter the quantity
4. Edit the description, if required
5. Alter the print date, if required. This is the date the guest will see on their room account. GuestPoint® lets you change this so you can back-date charges on the Room Account print out if required
6. Edit the Amount if required
7. Click ‘Add Entry’
8. Click Save

If you have accidentally added a charge to a room, you can easily reverse it by clicking the reverse icon.

Reversed charges will not print out on the Room Account.
If you have put a transaction on the wrong account, it is very easy to transfer it to the correct account by clicking the transfer icon. When you click it, GuestPoint® will transfer the charge to:• Another Account Within This Reservation (e.g. phone charges belong to the other Split Account)
• Another Account (e.g. Breakfast was charged to Room 4 instead of 14)
• Future Reservation (e.g. a deposit might need to be moved to another reservation that is not yet checked-in)
• Non-Residential Account (e.g. a disputed restaurant charge might need to be parked in an existing Non-Residential Account until you find who it was for)
• New Non-Residential Account (this will create a new Non-Residential Account)
The first two transfers are the most commonly used.
Sometimes you will need to consolidate multiple charges into a single line entry on the guest’s Room Account print out. If you have multiple charges with the same description and print date, GuestPoint® will put these as one item on the Room Account print out, even though they are different revenue accounts.
In the above example, there are Restaurant, Beverage-MP2 and Sundry-MP charges, but the description is set as Restaurant. The room account will print as Restaurant $61.00.
You can easily create a copy of the Room Account by clicking ‘Email’ or ‘Print’.
When operating in Exclusive tax Mode (as in the US):
To add a Tax Adjustment to a Room Account:
1. Ensure you have selected the correct account from the drop down box for the charge to post to
2. Select the Tax type (e.g. Sales, or Occupancy tax), this is the tax account you want the tax adjusted to
3. Edit the description, if required
4. Alter the print date, if required. This is the date the guest will see on their room account. GuestPoint® lets you change this so you can back-date charges on the Room Account print out if required
5. Edit the Amount Click ‘Add Entry’
6. Click Save

If you change a Print Date, it does not change the posting date of the charge
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