Current & Past Transactions
The Current Transactions tab lists all unpaid invoices. You can click on the Invoice Number to see the details of an invoice.
When the debtor makes a payment, click ‘Make Payment’ button.
You can now select the invoices the debtor has paid. By default, GuestPoint® will assume the debtor pays the full invoice amount. If they pay an invoice, adjust the Payment field next to the invoice.
Once you have selected the invoice(s), select the payment type and change the payment type description and print date if required. If any discount is to be applied, you can enter the amount, and if the debtor is paying by credit card and you have set up a surcharge, this will be added. Once you are happy with the payment, click ‘Save Payment’. If the invoice was paid in full it will be removed from the Current Transactions screen and be moved to the Past Transactions screen.

If the Debtor is paying all outstanding invoices in one payment, tick the box at the top of the selection column to select all invoices.
If you have created a credit invoice (negative balance), you will need to offset this against the original invoice. To do this, simply create a cash payment for zero dollars and tick both the original invoice and credit amount. This will apply the credit towards the invoice and both the credit and the invoice will be removed from the Current Transactions screen.
If you need to Write Off a bad debt, click ‘Write Off’ and select the invoices to Write Off. You should also enter a reason for the write off. When finished, click ‘Save Write Off’ and the invoices will be removed from the Current Transactions screen.

If an unpaid invoice was entered against the wrong debtor, you can click 'Transfer', select the invoice (s) to be transferred and select the correct Debtor Account, then click 'Save Transfer'. These invoices will be removed from the Current Transactions screen and appear in the correct Debtor's file.
You can easily email invoices from the Current Transactions and Past Transactions tabs. Just click ‘Email Invoices’ and select the invoice(s) to email. Click ‘Continue’ to open the Email Services screen, where you can change the receipting details and personalise the message. The invoices will be attached as PDF documents.
If you want a print out of all the current or past transactions, click ‘Print’.
The Past Transactions screen allows you to see invoices, payments and write offs/reversals that have been fully paid. You can use the filter at the top left to change how many past transactions are visible. If you tick/untick any box, click 'Apply Filters' so that information displayed on the screen will be updated.
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