

Extras are a list of items that can be charged to guests, all with pre-set charge amounts. They can be adjusted if need be, from within a reservation. You would not use an Extra for dinner at your restaurant, because the charge amount would always be different, however, if you have a set price for breakfast, an Extra is perfect.



 Extras can be added to a guest Room Account in five ways:


1. They are included in the Standard Rate (see Standard Rate setup) and will be added automatically when the Room Charge is added.


2. They can be selected in the Future Charges tab on the Reservation screen. If they are selected here, they will be automatically added to the Room Account on the selected date. This is great if you ask the question on check-in “Do you want to book for breakfast for the next three days?" Just tick the days they select.


3. When you use Enter Bulk Charges on the Daily Tasks tab, you can bulk enter Extras.


4. On the Room Account tab in a Reservation, you can manually add Extras.


5. If you tick the ‘Show on Web’ option, GuestPoint will add this Extra to the end of the online booking page, allowing guests to pre-order these optional extras.


Before you can add Extras to a Room Account, you need to set them up. On the Extras tab, just click ‘New Extra’ and you need to complete the following information:




Name: This is the name of the Extra charge and will appear on the Room Account (unless the Extra is included in a Standard Charge)


Type: You can select:


Per Room: This means that the charge is not determined by the number of persons in the room (e.g. Newspaper)

​Per Person: This will be charged based on the number of persons (e.g. Breakfast)


Charged: You can tell GuestPoint whether the Extra is only charged once ‘Not Per Night’ or charged ‘Per Night’. This really only applies to automated charges where Extras are included in the Standard Rate and where the guest has selected future charges.


Morning Charge: For any Extras that are provided in the morning where the revenue needs to be included in the Roll Over of the previous night, tick 'Morning Charge'. This will always include Breakfast and Newspapers.


Enter Quantity: If you can vary the quantity of the Extra for each guest, tick the ‘Enter Quantity’ box. If you don’t tick ‘Enter Quantity’, the quantity is automatically set at 1.


Show on Web: Tick this option if you want this Extra to appear at the bottom of the online booking form.


Amount: This is the amount to be charged if the Extra is a ‘Per Room’ charge and is   also the amount to be charged for an Adult, if the Extra is a ‘Per Person’ charge.


Child Amount: This is the amount to be charged for a Child, if the Extra is a ‘Per Person’ charge.


Transaction A/C: Select the Transaction Account you want this revenue posted to.


Web Description: This is the description that will be used on your online booking page.


Web Details: This is optional additional information about the Extra, which will appear on the web.


Web Rates: If you are listing the Extra on the web, you can select to make it available    when a guest is booking by ticking the specific rates that this Extra is available   with.



When you finish creating your Extras, just click ‘Save’. If you have selected ‘Show on Web’, the Optional Extras will show on your booking page.

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