Guest Check-in

Guest Check-in

Checking-in a reservation is quick and simple using GuestPoint® and there are a number of ways to  check-in a guest. The way you choose depends totally on your preference.

   These are the options to check-in a guest:

1. Double click the reservation on the Reservation Plan to open the Reservation Screen   and click ‘Check-in’

2. Select ‘To Check-in’ from the 'Today' at-a-glance pop up and click ‘Check-in’ or select  multiple guests and click  ‘Multiple Check-In’

3. Right click the reservation and choose Check-in from the Express Actions window

4. Right click the reservation and choose Instant Check-in from the Express Actions  window

If you select one of the first three options, GuestPoint® will open the next screen to let you complete the guest check-in. If you choose Instant Check-in, the guest is checked in and you will not  see the Check-in screen.


For the first three options, the Check-in screen opens and you can complete any missing information. You can print the Arrival  Form for the guest to sign, record a payment, if required, and then click ‘Check-in’.


For walk-in guests, just double click on the room you are allocating to open the Reservation Card, complete the guest details and click ‘Check-in’ and follow the same process.

If guests pre-pay their entire stay at check-in, click 'Make Payment' and look at the Booking Value amount for the amount to pay.

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