Holidays & Events

Holidays & Events

At the top of the Reservation Plan, you can list Holiday and Events that are important to your property. These could be public holidays, local sporting events or functions at your property etc.

To add a new event, either click on ‘Add Event’ on the date you want or click the arrow button next to 'New Reservation' located at the top right corner of the reservation plan and select 'Holiday and Events'.


This will open the Holiday and Events screen. Click ‘Add New’ and add the details. The ‘Name’ field is what will appear on your Reservation Plan. There is not much room for long names so you may need to abbreviate them. When you have entered all of the information, click ‘Save’. You can also click ‘Delete’ to delete an event.



You can add multiple events per day. If you have multiple events, you will see the number of events  in brackets to indicate there are multiple events for that day. Whenever you want to see the details  of an event, just click on it and the Holidays & Event screen will open.