


The Housekeeping option in GuestPoint® helps you schedule the cleaning of rooms and keep track of the cleaning progress. Housekeeping can also be used to manage the cleaning of General Areas    such as reception, swimming pool and restaurant. When GuestPoint® is setup, three key sets of information are added:

1.      Approximately how long a Stay and a Depart clean take for each room type
2.      List of General Areas to be cleaned - how long they take to clean and how often they are    cleaned
3.     The names of your cleaners

You can alter the setup for Housekeeping at any time via the Setup Tab.


To create a Housekeeping Schedule for today, click ‘Today’s Schedule’. You can also view a past  schedule by selecting a date and clicking ‘Preview’.

When you click ‘Today’s Schedule’, GuestPoint® will check each room and determine what type of clean it needs based on its reservation status. Only rooms that need to be cleaned or have someone  checking-in will be listed, the number of incoming guests will display on the schedule and print on the reports. If the current guest is checking out, GuestPoint® will select a ‘Depart’ Clean Type. If the  guest is staying in-house, GuestPoint® will select a ‘Stay’ Clean Type. If you have enabled ‘Linen Changes’ in the Setup, GuestPoint® will also check if any rooms are scheduled for a linen change (e.g. mid-week).

To prepare your cleaning schedule, let GuestPoint® know which housekeepers are working today.  Just tick their names.

For each room that needs cleaning, you can select the Clean Type. GuestPoint® will default to a ‘Depart’ clean if the guest is checking-out today; otherwise the default will be ‘Stay’ (or ‘Linen Change’ if you have selected this). You can change the Clean Type by selecting another option from the list. One very useful option is ‘Move to Next Day’, which is only available if a guest is checking-out today and there is no one checking into the same room today. This is commonly used on Sundays to defer the cleaning to Monday (when labour rates are cheaper) if the room is not needed   on Sunday night.

You can add a Daily Note to the housekeeping report for a specific room. If there are any Housekeeping Notes in reservations of current or next guests, these will appear in the Daily Notes    field.

You can also select the Housekeeper(s) you want to clean the room. As you select each housekeeper,  GuestPoint® will tally up the estimated cleaning time. You can set a priority clean by ticking the Priority checkbox. This will be highlighted on the report for the housekeepers.

Repeat the process of selecting a clean type, adding a note, if required, selecting the housekeeper(s) and selecting priority for all rooms that need cleaning. You can also add a General Note to appear on  the report. This might be general information you want your housekeepers to know (e.g. there is a conference group in today).

If you have set up cleaning for General Areas, you can schedule the cleaning in the same way.

GuestPoint® Premium allows for the creation of additional cleaning types and these will also appear on the Cleaning Schedule on the relevant day.                        

Once you have finished your schedule, you are ready to print it. Click ‘Print’ and select either the Detailed or Summary Report. The Detailed Report contains information about the guests and prints  a schedule for each housekeeper. The Summary Report just prints the list of rooms to be cleaned.

You can save the Cleaning Schedule at any time and come back to it as rooms are cleaned. To update  GuestPoint® that a room is clean just tick the ‘Clean’ check box. You can also update the actual cleaning time if you like and GuestPoint® will do a comparison from your total estimate to your total  actual cleaning time for each cleaner.

If you just update all rooms once they are clean, click ‘All Clean’ and GuestPoint® will mark  them all as clean.

Only rooms that have been occupied, or where the previous clean was deferred or where a guest is checking-in today, will show when you prepare a schedule. Click ‘Show All’ to see all rooms.

Mobile Housekeeping App

Managing your housekeeping is so easy using the GuestPoint® Mobile Housekeeping App.

Using the Mobile Housekeeping App your housekeepers can update their daily Cleaning Schedule from their Smartphone or tablet very easily.

You can manage housekeeping in real time and automatically update your housekeepers when a    guest checks-out.

Plus you’ll see the dirty room indicator automatically removed from the reservation plan allowing you to sell your rooms sooner. And you can also easily track when a guest requests ‘Do not Disturb’.


For your housekeepers to use the Mobile Housekeeping App they need to have their own unique PIN. From the Management tab > Setup > Housekeeping > Housekeepers tab enter a unique 4 character PIN for each active housekeeper and then click ‘Save’.


Enabling the Mobile Housekeeping App

Next you’ll need to enable the Mobile Housekeeping App. From the Management tab > Daily Tasks > Housekeeping > Today’s Schedule, select your rostered housekeepers and select Enable Mobile App. Next assign your housekeepers to their rooms and general areas and Save your schedule.


Housekeeping Login

Your housekeepers can then go to on their Smartphone or tablet and log in to see the rooms and general areas assigned to them for cleaning and the clean type required.


Your housekeepers log in using your GuestPoint® Serial Number (this can be found on the GuestPoint® Login Screen) and their unique PIN. They can see and update their individual schedule  listed in My Rooms and all rooms by clicking All Rooms.

Here they can set the rooms as Clean Complete as they move from room to room. This will mark the rooms as clean on today’s housekeeping schedule and also update the reservation plan in GuestPoint®.

If a room has been accidently set as Clean Complete it can be easily set back to Dirty by clicking   Undo Clean.

If a guest requests ‘Do not Disturb’ your housekeepers can select DND.

This adds a note into the guest’s reservation and also the daily housekeeping schedule.

Management Login

If your GuestPoint® User Name has the rights to Manage Housekeeping you can log in with your  GuestPoint® User Name and Password and see and update the entire schedule and check the cleaning status of your rooms.

If you don’t have separate housekeepers, perhaps you do the cleaning yourself, you can log into the Management Login and action your cleaning in the same way that any housekeeper would.

To do this you’ll need to Enable the Mobile Housekeeping App from the Management tab > Daily Tasks > Housekeeping > Today’s Schedule, just tick Enable Mobile App, make any changes  if you need to and then Save your schedule.

You can then go to on your Smartphone or tablet and  log in with your GuestPoint® User Name and Password.

You’ll see the full schedule and you can update your cleans accordingly knowing GuestPoint® will be  updated as well.

Use the Refresh button in the Housekeeping Login and on the Reservation Plan to be sure  you’re looking at the latest information.

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