Housekeeping Mobile App

Housekeeping Mobile App

Through the Housekeeping Application/Link, Housekeepers will be able to change the status of the room from dirty to clean.

Housekeeping app should be enabled and set up in GuestPoint before Housekeepers can access the app.

Setting up in GuestPoint

Go to Management Tab>Set up>Daily Task>Housekeeping>Today's Schedule>Toggle "Enable Mobile app">Save

Go To Management Tab>Set Up>Housekeeping>Housekeepers>Fill out the details including the PIN>Save

Go to Management Tab>Set up>Daily Task>Housekeeping>Today's Schedule>Select the Housekeeper>Assign the room that needs to be cleaned by the Housekeeper>Save

Housekeeper can now access the ink for the app and login. Housekeeper to fill out the Serial Number of the property and the PIN

Once logged in, Housekeeper can change the status of rooms to clean by clicking on clean complete.

After clicking on Clean Complete. status of the room in GuestPoint will automatically change to CLEAN.

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