Online Check In Form

Online Check In Form

There is a feature in GuestPoint where you can send online check in forms to your guests prior their arrival. Guests will receive a link containing general information and questions for them to complete. After completing the form, it will be sent back to your email and all the information will be imported to GuestPoint automatically.


Once you receive the online check in form, this will be considered as the arrival form. 


You may set up your Online check in form by going to portals from your GuestPoint and select online check in form.

Login using your credentials.

Once logged in, you can go ahead and set up the form.


You may send the online check in form from GuestPoint by opening the reservation>Email>Email online check in form.

Below is an example of the email that guest will receive for the online check in form. Guest should click on the link to view and fill up the form.

You will receive an email once the guest has completed the form.

The record in GuestPoint will be updated that online check in form is completed.

Credit card details will be on the contact details tab. Imported automatically after guests fills out the online check in form.

In cases wherein guests are not able to fill out the form prior to their arrival, you may provide them online check in form from your IPAD or tablet by right clicking on the reservation and selecting online reservation.


By selecting this option, it will generate a QR code which the guest can scan. After scanning the code, they can fill out the form from their mobile phones.

Alternatively you can click the link to bring the form up on your current device.

Just like with arrival forms, you can bulk send out all online check in form links for today, tomorrow, or a specified date.

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