Owner Accounts

Owner Accounts

Owner Accounts Overview

The owner accounts screen shows details of all owners, which units they own, their current and past transactions and the ability to print the Owner's Statement. You can drill down on each owner to see transactions, and you can double click on the owner to view or edit owner details, such as the owners bank account. New owner accounts can be created here, so that they can be connected to units.

The Owner Accounts Screen

  1. SEARCH: Search for a specific transaction account
  2. DATE FILTER: The date filter defaults to the current month, but can be selected for any period
  3. TOTALS: View or hide the balances at the top of the grid
  4. INACTIVE: View a column to show active (green tick) or inactive (red flag) owner accounts.
  5. REFRESH: Refresh the screen to pick up any changes since it was opened
  6. ADD RECORD: Create a new owner account
  7. CODE: A unique code assigned to the owner (this can be anything but is often a mixture of the unit number and owner's name)
  8. CATEGORY: The category assigned to the owner (EG Investor, Owner or Outside Agent)
  9. EFT: Indicates a green tick if the owner is setup for Electronic Fund Transfer payments, or a red cross if not
  10. NAME: The name of the owner
  11. UNITS: The unit or units owned by the owner (if more than one unit is listed here, both will appear on the same owner statement)
  12. BUDGET: The budget assigned to the selected period (Note if no budget has been loaded, this will show as $0.00)
  13. PROGRESS: Progress of funds/revenue vs budget as a percentage for the selected period
  14. FUNDS: All revenue accrued per owner for the selected period
  15. DISBURSED: The total payments paid out of the owners account during the selected period
  16. PENDING: Pending charges that have not yet been posted (EG monthly charges)
  17. HOLD: A progress chart based on data from the past. The month  being compared to is set in #6
  18. NET: The total of Funds and Pending columns
  19. PRINT ICON: View the Owner Statement
  20. > : Allows you to drill down for further information

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