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Receipts and Payments
Receipts and Payments Overview The Receipts and Payments account shows all inward Receipts and all outward payments too and from the Trust Account, and splits the payments into the same categories that can be seen on the 3-Way. As with all accounts ...
16 - Accounts – Receipts & Payments
Procedural Note 16 Accounts – Receipts & Payments This section displays seven areas within the Accounts Module of Owner Accounting. It specifically pertains to Owner Accounting tasks after the booking has been imported from the GuestPoint Property ...
32 - Management Tab - Transactions - Payments
Procedural Note 32 Management Tab – Transactions – Payments 1. Select the period and this will provide a consolidated list of payments within that period (including any end of month or out of month disbursements). 2. If you wish to add a payment (eg, ...
55 - Reports - Receipts and Payments - Banking Register
Procedural Note 55 Reports – Receipt & Payments – Banking Register 1. Modify the report title as needed. 2. Update the Month and year of the receipts you would like to view. 3. You can then choose to view, download, export as csv, or send as an ...
58 - Reports - Receipts & Payments - Reprint Receipts
Procedural Note 58 Reports – Receipts & Payments – Reprint Receipts This will allow you to reprint, save or email your receipts singularly or via a range. 1. Select your year and month and the necessary receipt range. 2. From here you can choose to ...