11 – Permanent Rentals Existing

11 – Permanent Rentals Existing

Procedural Note 11 – Permanent Rentals Existing
Steps Shortcut: Owner Accounting->Permanent Rentals 
Step-by-Step 1

Opens up a screen that displays your existing Permanent Rentals or add a record (add a new rental – go to OA Procedural Note 12) – select the existing tenant you wish to have a look at

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Step-by-Step 2

Once selected, you can click on the ‘eye’ right-hand side which provides you with a tenant’s statement

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Step-by-Step 3

Allows several options on how you wish to treat the statement being displayed

Step-by-Step 4 – Details

Your selection will now provide Details of the rental which is self-explanatory covering the basics – ‘Door’ is the Unit number and also allows you to input a commission level; that may have been negotiated with the Unit Owner. There are several options in terms of the static bottom strap line (Update rent, Undo charges, Add Charges, Statement) which we recommend you access through the Outstanding TAB only

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Step-by-Step 5

This area is self-explanatory and shows basic details of the Tenancy Agreement
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Step-by-Step 6 

Lease & Bond - this shows the details of the Tenancy Agreement and is self-explanatory
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Step-by-Step 7 

Outstanding - this screen shows the position in respect of rent outstanding, rent due now and pending and allows you to click a box for the appropriate rent amount and timing

Step-by-Step 8

tick your selection and click on receipt selected charges

Step-by-Step 9 

select the payment method and then save
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This then Produces a receipt that can be e-mailed and keeps an e-copy.

Step-by-Step 10 – Notes

This is a free format and allows you to process notes – we would preface with a date and then save

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