14 – Accounts – Business

14 – Accounts – Business

Procedural Note 14 – Accounts – Business
Steps Shortcut: Owner Accounting ->Accounts->Business
Step-by-Step 1

Press the > to access business (general accounts) – this defaults to the current month (the month yet to be rolled) however does allow a drop-down – we always recommend you use period and select from the drop-down menu by month and by year and shows visually where your revenue/income levels and essentially a drill down from your Dashboard-Revenue Chart

Step-by-Step 2 

drill down into individual account By selecting an account, you can drill down in that account (cleaning in the example below by toggling the >) for the transactions that make the total.

Step-by-Step 3 – Statement

By selecting a statement, set by the pulldown options it produces a statement that shows the allocation of revenue for that period – once you have made your selection hit refresh to ensure the period being requested is updated - very handy to e-mail to your accountant as part of their month-end or audits.

Step-by-Step 4 - Statement

From above we selected August for this example and produced the following report which for example can be e-mailed to your accountant or bookkeeper by selecting e-mail or print, save as requiredGraphical user interface, applicationDescription automatically generated

Step-by-Step 4- Comparisons

By clicking on comparisons, it allows you to select 2 periods to be compared to and shows comparative performance against the periods selected.Graphical user interface, applicationDescription automatically generated

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