16 - Accounts – Receipts & Payments

16 - Accounts – Receipts & Payments

Procedural Note 16

Accounts – Receipts & Payments

This section displays seven areas within the Accounts Module of Owner Accounting. It specifically pertains to Owner Accounting tasks after the booking has been imported from the GuestPoint Property Management System. All accounting activities that occur post-booking departure are managed here. Navigate to this section by pressing 'Account' on the GuestPoint Owner Accounting main menu. Click Receipts & Payments.


      1. Current booking receipts

      a)      Set the period you would like to view and press apply filter. Once updated, always press the refresh button to ensure everything is up to date. Depending on the category you would like to view, press the arrow to expand the “Inward –Current Booking Receipts”, “Inward – Owner Accounting Receipts” or “Inward – Unalloc Booking Deposits”.


Inward – Current Booking Receipts relating to the bookings for guests who are/have stayed in your chosen period.

Inward – Owner Accounting Receipts displays owner receipts (typically from permanent rental tenant)

Inward – Unalloc Booking Deposits forward funds beyond the current period for bookings.

      b)      Expand the booking you would like to look into by pressing the > button. This will present the bookings receipt and treatment.

      c)      To view the physical receipt, press the eye.

      d)   From here, you can save, print (1) or email (2) your receipt to a desired location.

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