4 – Dashboard Health Check – Daily Banking

4 – Dashboard Health Check – Daily Banking

Procedural Note 4 – Dashboard Health Check – Daily Banking
Steps Shortcut: Owner Accounting->Dashboard->Last Banking was XX days ago Step-by-Step by-Step1

Locate the Health Check section and click on the ‘Last Banking’ task.

Step-by-Step 2

This takes you automatically from Management to Daily Banking and allows you to process your banking for specific dates simply by ticking a box. These values come across from input in GuestPoint’s Property Management System for Credit Card and EFTPOS only – see next screen print for Cash and Cheques

Step-by-Step 3

Cash and cheques are treated as a separate issue and once processed, appear automatically in your Bank Reconciliation

Step-by-Step 4

This automatically produces a receipt that can either be printed, or saved as a .pdf (to save paper), depending on your accounting requirements. However, Guest Point Owner Accounting keeps an e-file of all transactions which is easy to access – go to OA Procedural Note 56 

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