5 – Dashboard Health Check – Last Reconciliation

Note 5
Health Check - Last Reconciliation
GuestPoint Owner Accounting Dashboard provides a comprehensive overview of your
trust account and highlights any pending tasks. Once you are logged into
GuestPoint Owner Accounting, choose Dashboard from the menu. 
1. Click the face next to “Last
reconciliation was … days ago” and the system will navigate you to Management
-> Daily Tasks -> Reconcile. Here you can ensure your system is in

a) Press sync now to ensure that all
information is up to date.
b) Tick off your banking that has come
across from your GuestPoint PMS as you see it hitting your bank account (Should
always be a direct reflection of your physical bank account).
c) Insert your bank balance from your
bank statement applicable to either trust or your owner accounting bank (Not
your general or operational account).
d) Once balanced, click on COMPLETE
RECONCILIATION which will have gone green, and you are balanced.

e) The system will then provide a reconciliation
receipt as below:
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