

You can easily create special promotion discounts. These can be discounts (either a percentage off or a fixed amount off the nightly rate) or a set nightly rate. Each promotion has a unique code and is entered when a new reservation is added, so the guest can take advantage of the discount.




Before you can use Promotion Codes on a new reservation, you need to set them up. On the Promotions tab, just click ‘New Promotion’ and complete the following information:



Code: You need to assign your new promotion a code. Typically, these are 4-8 characters (e.g. WINTER51, PROMO32).


Name: Give your promotion a name so it is easy for you to identify (e.g. Corporate Guest Special May 2022).


Limit Quantity: If you want to limit the number of guests that can use the Promotion Code, set a limit here. GuestPoint will let you know when you reach your limit.


Book Period: Enter the date range in which a new booking must be made to qualify for this special promotion.


Stay Period: Enter the date range in which a guest must stay to qualify for this special   promotion.


Web Description: If a guest enters the Promotion Code into your online booking page, they will see this description appear. You can use this to describe the promotion and any terms and conditions.


Rate: Select a Rate(s) that the promotion is applicable to.


Select Promo Days: If you wish to exclude day(s) from the stay date range (e.g. weekends), you can remove the highlight on selected days of the week and the promo code will not apply on those selected days.


Discount Type: Select whether the discount is a percentage or a discount amount or a set   nightly rate and enter the value.


Apply Discount To: Select whether the discount is applied to your Standard or Dynamic Rates (note this does not apply to promotions with a

discount of a Set Nightly Rate).


Minimum Nights: Set the minimum number of nights applicable to the promo code.



Just click ‘Save’ to save your new promotion. You can also remove promotions at any time by clicking the ‘Delete’ button. Once the promotion is saved, it will generate a link which you can copy by clicking 'Copy Link'. You can paste it into emails and social media posts. Guests who click on this link will be taken directly to your booking page with the promotion details displayed.


If you have customers who receive a regular discount, you can set a Default Promotion Code on their customer profiles, and this will be used every time you enter a new reservation for them.