Revenue Maximizer & Channels

Revenue Maximizer & Channels

Revenue Maximizer

RevenueMaximizer™ is a powerful feature in GuestPoint® that constantly monitors your occupancy  and adjusts your room rates, based on simple settings you create.

RevenueMaximizer™ can:

·       Increase rates by a fixed amount, or percentage, once you reach a pre-set  occupancy
·       Decrease rates by a fixed amount, or percentage, if you are below pre-set  occupancy
·       Set the days of the week for RevenueMaximizer™ to adjust rates
·       Set different increases, decreases and occupancy levels for short, mid, long, extended, and max date ranges
·       Specify any rates not to be adjusted

For example, you could set RevenueMaximizer™ to increase your rates by $10 once you reach 80% occupancy within the next 5 days, and, decrease rates by $15 if you have not reached 60% occupancy within the same date range. You could also set RevenueMaximizer™ to increase rates by $5 when you reach 70% occupancy between 5 to 15 days out. 

RevenueMaximizer™ is a very powerful feature, yet, is very easy to setup. In fact, you can simply go  to the RevenueMaximizer™ screen and click ‘Use Default Settings’. This will do the following:

              For Short Range bookings (next 0 – 3 days):
              Increase Rates by $10 on days where occupancy is over 90%

              For Mid Range bookings (next 4 – 10 days):
              Increase Rates by $5 on days where occupancy is over 80%

              For Long Range bookings (next 11 – 30 days):
              Increase Rates by $10 on days where occupancy is over 70%

              For Extended Range bookings (next 31 – 180 days):
              Increase Rates by $10 on days where occupancy is over 70%

              For Max Range bookings (next 181 – 365 days):
              Increase Rates by $10 on days where occupancy is over 70%

You can tweak these defaults to suit your property. You can also change the settings at any time and GuestPoint® will automatically update all your online booking sites.


The Channels tab gives you up to date information about all of the online sales channels you have connected to GuestPoint®. There are two ways online bookings will get to you. Firstly, any bookings made via WebPoint® and Facebook are instantly added to GuestPoint® and inventory is updated instantly. Secondly, bookings made through external sites like Expedia, etc. come into GuestPoint® via a Channel Manager. If you need to add more channels or set up a Channel Manager, please contact the Customer Support team.


The top of the Channels tab give you useful information about your channels. You can also click ‘View Log’ to see your last 3 days of rate and inventory updates sent to your Channel Manager and  any reservations retrieved. Every time your inventory changes (a new booking, cancellation, extension etc…), GuestPoint® will update your Channel Manager. As WebPoint® is connected real- time to GuestPoint® and updates are instant, they do not appear in the log.



At the top of the Channels tab you can tick ‘Automatically allocate Room Numbers to new Bookings’. This applies to WebPoint® and Channel Manager bookings. If you enable this, GuestPoint® will pick the best fit room for the new booking. If you do not enable this, the booking is left as unallocated for you to process. If there are unallocated bookings, the Unallocated button on the Reservation Plan is orange and the orange warning triangle appears (see Unallocated Bookings in the Reservation Plan section).


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