Review Credit Card Log

Review Credit Card Log

As part of the daily management of your property, you should review your credit card log, looking for any suspicious access from staff. The Credit Card Log records every time a GuestPoint® user has  accessed the credit card details stored in the Secure Credit Card Vault. In the course of a day, your staff may access the Secure Credit Card Vault a few times to get the details of a guest’s credit card for charging purposes. However, if you detect significant access to the vault, you may need to do further investigation.



To access the Locked Vault, use your GuestPoint® user name and password.


Once you have logged into the vault, you can set a date range and select Status (All, Success, or Failed) & Users. This will allow you to view filtered activities in your Secure Credit Card Vault.

GuestPoint is PCI Compliant Level1 (the highest compliance level). You can download our current compliance certificate in the attachment below

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