Roll Over

Roll Over

Introduction to Roll Over

The Roll Over is a critical daily process in GuestPoint®. It MUST be run every day. The Roll Over    performs the following functions:

      1.      Posts all Room Charges and selected Future Charges to guest accounts for tonight
      2.      Sends Pre-Stay Emails
      3.      Sends Pre-Stay Text Messages
      4.      Sends Post-Stay Emails
      5.      Creates Accounts journal export file (if set up)
      6.      Produces a Daily Balance Report for your records
      7.      Removes completed tasks on the To Do list

Ideally, the Roll Over should be run after the last check-out and before the first check-in for the day.  Most properties run their Roll Over around 10am.

From the Daily Tasks, click ‘Today’s Roll Over’ to begin the Roll Over process. You can also   select a past date and click ‘Preview’ to see a past Daily Balance report or click 'Export' to save the Daily Balance report file.


At the top of the Roll Over screen, you can select which mode you want your property to operate in. ‘Standard Roll Over’ is the most common option and lets you determine what  time you want to perform your Roll Over. It also requires you to make sure all payments balance and  that there are no Re-opened Accounts (see below for more details). ‘Automated Roll Over’ allows you to set a time to run the Roll Over and GuestPoint® will automatically do the Roll Over and send you a report. This is very useful if you are away for the weekend and have someone managing your property that is not very familiar with GuestPoint®.

For the purpose of this User Guide, we will do a Standard Roll Over.


To simplify the Roll Over, GuestPoint® has broken the process down into steps.

Step 1      View Trial Daily Balance


Step 1 is to View a Trial Daily Balance. This includes all the financial information since the last Roll Over. The first section of the report shows all Revenue. This information comes from Room Accounts  and Non-Residential Accounts and any Debtor Credit Card Surcharges and Discounts. The Payments section totals up all Payments by payment type (if there are payments). The Invoices section lists all Invoices raised since the last Roll Over (if there are any invoices). The final section is a Summary, which shows the Opening Balances, Transaction Totals for today and Closing Balances.

You should check that this Trial Balance is correct.

Step 2      Confirm Check-outs


Step 2 wants you to confirm your Check-outs are completed. Ideally, all guests due to check-out today have done so before the Roll Over. This will ensure any last minute charges and payments are included in the Roll Over about to be completed. Sometimes this is not possible. GuestPoint® will tell    you how many guests have not checked out. If you tick the ‘Allow Roll Over’ box, GuestPoint® will remove the restriction for all guests to be checked-out before a Roll Over is undertaken. You can click on the number of guests (4 in the above example) to see the list of guests that have not checked-out so you can confirm this is correct or check them out.

In Step 2, you also may see a message about Re-opened Accounts. GuestPoint® requires that a room account has a zero balance before you can check a guest out. You can however, go back into a guest Room Account and add more charges. This will automatically re-open the account until a corresponding payment is added. Unless 'Allow Roll Over with room accounts reopened' box is ticked, GuestPoint® will not let you Roll Over until all old room accounts are closed. If you see this message (it only appears if there are re-opened Room Accounts), you will need to click on the link to see these re-opened accounts and bring them back to a zero balance. You  might need to transfer the charges to a new Non-Residential Account if you do not know why it was re-opened.

This might sound a bit confusing, however, most days you will not need to do anything in Step 2. In  summary, regarding Step 2:

1. If all your rooms due to check out today have checked out, all you will see is the number of rooms checked-out – nothing for you to do in the step.

2. If you have one or more rooms still to check out, GuestPoint® will let you know and if  you choose, you can tick ‘Allow Roll Over’ to enable the Roll Over to proceed on the understanding that any late charges or payments will be included in the next Roll Over.

3. If you have added any charges to a checked-out room account , you will need to bring  these back to a zero balance before you can continue with the Roll Over.

Step 3      Confirm Banking


In Step 3, it’s time to confirm your banking. If your count agrees with GuestPoint®, just tick the boxes. If it is different, you will need to find out why. To help you find any differences, you may need to click on 'View all payments since last Roll Overs' to check individual payment entries. Alternatively, you may need  to print an All Transactions Since Last Roll Over report and filter the Transaction Type on the payment type that is different. This report is found in Transactions area of the Reports tab.

Optional Notes box allows you to put in some notes to your Roll Over. These notes will always be shown if you re-print the Daily Balance in the future. An example may be “Cash Draw $10 over”.


If your blue Roll Over button is enabled, it means you are ready to start your Roll Over. Click ‘Roll Over’ to start. This may take a few minutes, depending on how many charges GuestPoint® needs to process. Once it finishes, the Daily Balance Report will be created for your records. Along with your normal Daily Balance report, GuestPoint® Premium will also generate a Shift Totals Report.

Roll Over cannot be done from a computer connected to GuestPoint® in Workstation Mode. You need to be on your main computer that is running in Sync Mode. Roll Over can also be done in Web Mode, however, it is significantly slower for large properties.

Never run the Roll Over on two computers at the same time as room charges may be  duplicated.

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