Split Accounts

Split Accounts

GuestPoint® lets you easily create and manage Split Accounts. Split Accounts are used when there are multiple people sharing one room. The way you choose to create a split account is entirely your preference. You can either add a person from the Contact Details tab or click New Split Account from the Room Account tab in the Reservation screen.


Simply enter the name and details to be used for the new split account and click 'Add Split Account'.


GuestPoint® makes it easy to add charges to the relevant account. From the Room Account tab  simply select the account where charges are to be posted to by choosing it from the drop-down list.


If you have posted a charge to an incorrect account you can easily transfer that charge by using the transfer button next to each transaction item.



If you add a Company for a guest, GuestPoint® automatically creates a Room Account for the company and it can be selected from the Select Account drop down list.

If you have a number of charges that have been posted to an incorrect account you can easily  transfer them by using the ‘Transfer Charges’ button.





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