The Setup Tab is where you change anything about the way your property is setup in GuestPoint. One of the most frequently used features is the Standard Rates
Standard Rates
Standard Rates are the ongoing rate for a room type. They may be adjusted for seasonal activity, but they do not vary per night (these are Dynamic Rates). You must have at least one Standard Rate for each room type; however, it is common to have more than one. For example, you may have a Regular Rate of $250 for your King Room and a Corporate Rate of $240.
You can edit an existing Standard Rate by clicking the rate description and remove it by clicking the ‘Trash Can’. If there is no 'Trash can' visible, this means the Standard Rate is in use and cannot be deleted.
If you want to edit a number of rates you can also just select the rates you wish to edit and click ‘Multiple Edit’ to have the selected rates displayed on one screen for you to make your amendments. You can also click the 'Filter' button to select the ‘Room Type’ and/or ‘Publish Location’ from the dropdown lists and filter for the rates you would like to edit.
Select the applicable rates and click ‘Multiple Edit’. GuestPoint Premium customers can also use 'Category/Subcategory' as filtering criteria.
If you have specified a rate as deactivated, you can select ‘Show Inactive Rates’ and these rates will also be displayed.
To create a new Standard Rate, click ‘New Rates and Packages’ located at the top right corner of the Rates tab.
In creating a new Standard Rate, there are a number of things GuestPoint needs to know. These are:
Description: This description will appear on your Reservation screen and is also used for the room charges description on the guest room account (e.g. King Room Corporate Rate)
Web Description: This description is used for this rate on your WebPoint online booking page. This may be the same as your Description.
Room Type: Select the room type for this Standard Rate
Publish To: This field allows you to control where this rate is seen. Your options are:
Not Online - will only be available in GuestPoint and with GuestPoint Premium can be used for companies using Corporate Login
Own Website- will be available on WebPoint
External - will be sent to your Channel Manager
All - displayed in WebPoint and sent to your Channel Manager
You may create some rates (e.g. Government Rates) that are set to Not Online. You also may have some specials that are only available on your Own Website. This Publish To option gives you great flexibility.
Default Rate: You can nominate one Standard Rate for each Room Type to be your Default Rate. This is used when you create a new reservation and select a Room Type, GuestPoint will default to the Default Rate.
Channel Manager Code: If you integrate with a channel manager, this is their code for the rate.
Default Group Rate: You can nominate one Standard Rate for each Room Type to be your Default Group Rate. This is used when you create a new group reservation and select a Room Type, GuestPoint will default to the Default Group Rate.
Deactivate Rate: You can set a rate to deactivate and hide it from the Rates screen.
Web Sort Order: You can set the order that the rates are displayed on your WebPoint booking page.
Details: The details information you enter here is used in a number of places such as confirmation emails, WebPoint booking page etc. You should take the time to describe the rate and room type.
Minimum Nights: Enter the minimum number of nights a guest must book.
Rack Rate: Enter the full rack rate for this room. This is displayed on the WebPoint booking page.
Override Room Charge Account: By default, GuestPoint will post all room charges to the Room Charges Transaction Account. You can override this here, although this should be very rarely used.
Inclusions: If the rate includes any additional benefits (e.g. complimentary breakfast), you can describe these here. This text is included in the confirmation email and displays on your WebPoint page. If you are linked to a compatible Channel Manager, the inclusions text will also be sent there.
Guest Included: This is the number of guests included in the rate. Any additional guests will be charged the Extra Adult and/or Extra Child rate.
Extra Adult: If the booking has Extra Adults, this is the amount GuestPoint will charge per extra adult.
Extra Child: If the booking has an Extra Child/Children, this is the amount GuestPoint will charge per extra child.
Cancellation Policy: Enter your Cancellation Policy for this rate here. This text will be included in the email confirmation and displayed on your WebPoint booking page.
Rate Periods: As your rates change over time, or for seasonal rates, you can add new Periods and set the corresponding rate. Note that the End Date for the last rate is always “No Expiry” until you add another period.
Room Rate Includes: You can select any Extras that are included in the Standard Rate (see setting up Extras in the next section). For example, if your $160 rate includes 2 x $15 breakfasts, you can tick ‘Breakfast’ and set the quantity and amount your charge. So, you can keep your room charge revenue and your breakfast revenue correct, when GuestPoint posts the charges for this room to a guest room account, it will create one $30 charge for breakfast (2 people) and $130 as the room charge. This means your revenue reports will be correct.
As you have sold the room and breakfast as a package you do not want these separated on the room account the guest sees. GuestPoint puts the same description in for each charge (for example “Family Suite”). So, even though the breakfast charge is going to the breakfast revenue account, the description says, “Family Suite”. When GuestPoint prints the room account, it groups together all transactions for the same day with the same description. This means that the Room Charge “Family Suite” for $130 and our Breakfast Charge “Family Suite” for $30 will show on the room account as “Family Suite” $160.
This sounds very complicated, but when you start to use it, you will find it is a great way to create packages for guests, but still give you the accounting breakdown you need.
When you finish creating or updating your Standard Rate, just click ‘Save’ and GuestPoint will update this rate in all the places you have elected to publish it.