Transaction Reports Overview

Transaction Reports Overview

Transaction Reports contain information from the Room Account including charges, discounts, deposits and payments.


Running Reports

1. Before you create a transaction report, you can filter the transactions to be   included in the report. You can filter on:


Transaction Date Range > Only includes transactions entered within the selected range

Print Date > Only includes transactions with a Print Date within the selected range

Roll Over Date > Only includes transactions included in the selected Roll Over

Transaction Account > Only includes transactions for the selected Account

Status > Only includes transactions where the reservation status is the  selected status (e.g. cancelled)

Booking Source > Only includes transactions for reservations with the selected booking source

Amount RangeOnly includes transactions within these amounts

Description > Search for specific transaction descriptions

Group Accounts Only > If ticked, only transactions on a group account will be included

Room TypeOnly includes transactions for the selected room type

Room Number > Only includes transactions for the selected room number

Entered By > Only includes transactions entered by the selected user

Company > Only includes transactions for the selected company

2. Select the report you wish to view.

3. View or download the report as required.

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