Virtual Rooms

Virtual Rooms

Many properties have adjacent rooms which can be sold separate rooms or as one whole room, with GuestPoint Premium you can easily create and sell these whole rooms, and we refer to these as Virtual Rooms. You can sell your Virtual Rooms online, they will drop into GuestPoint and inventory will be accurately reflected.

To create a Virtual Room you first need to set up a room type and select the Virtual Room Type checkbox in the additional settings section. Next select the physical rooms that make up this Virtual Room by clicking ‘Add Room Type’ and selecting the applicable physical room types and then click ‘Save’.

Next create a new room from the Rooms tab and select the new room type you just created and the physical room numbers that will make up this Virtual Room. Then decide the Revenue Split for this Virtual Room and click ‘Save’.

Lastly create a new rate for the Virtual Room. For more information about setting up rates, see Standard Rates.

When you are making a reservation you can select the Virtual Room from the Room Type list.

On the reservation plan all physical rooms are selected when you click on the booking. 

You can split the booking into two separate rooms at any stage if need be by using the ‘Split’ button.

The reservation will be separated into the physical room types.

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