WebPoint - Updating the Booking Button

WebPoint - Updating the Booking Button

All information in the booking button can be changed or updated from GuestPoint directly.


From GuestPoint, you may update this information by going to Management>Set Up> Property> Property Details


USEFUL INFORMATION contains the Description of the property (About Us), facilities in the property, cancellation policy and Terms and conditions. 
CHECK IN AND CHECK OUT INFORMATION will show the check in and check out time, check in instructions and additional information such as car parking, how to get to the property and things to do in and around the property.

These details will appear directly on the booking button.

CONSENT DETAILS contains the heading, description and the agreement label. Information will appear on the page when guest books the room before entering payment details.

You can also add banners and update the Booking Page Welcome text by going to Web Settings in GuestPoint

Booking Page Welcome Text


Photos can be uploaded in the booking button by going to Mangement>Set up> Property>Property Photos

Choose the image from the folder in your computer. Please take note of the recommended size of the photos.


Photos of the rooms can be updated by going to Management Tab>Set Up> Rooms and Room Types>Room Types>Add photos in the gallery of each room type>Save Changes

NOTE: Additional profile fields such as Gender or travelling with a Pet can be added in the booking button. However, this feature is only available for Premium GuestPoint Subscription

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